Plusvital Acti-Hoof is a powder supplement rich in biotin, amino acids and minerals specifically formulated to nourish hooves from the inside. Specially designed for horses prone to weak and brittle hooves, it offers all the necessary nutrients for optimal hoof health. Its purpose is to promote hoof growth through a combination of biotin, copper and zinc, as well as essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. These are essential for the formation of keratin, the main constituent of hair and hooves. In addition, it contains vitamin B6, a key factor in the transformation and use of amino acids by the body. Likewise, this product offers an additional benefit thanks to its yeast content. These work as probiotics, as they promote digestion and reduce toxin content and, therefore, the risk of laminitis. Key properties: Biotin to help keep hooves healthy and strong. Source of Copper, Zinc and Selenium. Contains essential amino acids – Lysine, Methionine and Threonine that help hoof growth. Active yeast to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients.