Filete elevador con anillas de 50mm y grosor standard de 17mm fabricado en una aleación German Silver (65% cobre, 23% zinz y 12% níquel) que resulta sólida y relajante para el caballo.

Este filete ayuda a equilibrar el caballo que tiende a volcarse sobre las espaldas, ayudando a que transfiera su masa a los cuartos traseros. Al incorporar los palillos, se combina esta acción del elevador con la de equilibrar en la dirección y facilitar los giros.

Este filete debe utilizarse con carrilleras para elevador y puede utilizarse con dos o con cuatro riendas.

Composition: Full cheek gag bit with 50 mm large rings and standard 17 mm thick cannons made of German Silver (65% copper, 23% zinc, 12% nickel) a relaxing and solid alloy.

Effect: this bit has an action on the horse balance. It makes the horse rebalance and transfer its weight on the hindquarters. The larger the rings are, the stronger the gag action is. This bit combines the gag action and the full cheek bit action so it combines balance and direction.

Tips: this bit needs special cheek pieces and can be used directly with two reins, with bit loops or with four reins.

Maintenance advice: rinse the bit after each use to prevent any residue deposit and to avoid your horse to feel any discomfort.

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