- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Natural cream made to be used on skin treated using WRAT technology. This cream provides resistance to dirt and moisture, making your boots look like new. Available in 50 ml and 150 ml sizes. PRODUCT INFORMATION DeNiroBootCo Cream is a gentle formula that nourishes the leather fibers of your riding boots and helps maintain the leather's natural elasticity.
- Copper solution for cleaning and protecting the frog. Lotion for cleaning and protecting the frog. Cleansing and protective lotion, useful for removing all impurities from the hoof and frog. Ideal in case of smelly and rotten frog, it helps the helmet return to its optimal condition. How to use: After having carefully cleaned the frog, distribute the product on the sole and in the grooves of the fork. In more worrying cases, soak a cotton ball and apply it to the frog's sides overnight.
- Lemongrass and geranium gelGel with protective action, based on lemongrass and geranium. Formulation designed for delicate and sensitive areas such as the muzzle and ears and indicated for those horses that fear spray splashes. The well-known properties of lemongrass and geranium create a true protective barrier on the horse's coat.
- CITRONELLA and GERANIUM are plants commonly used to naturally repel insects and repel flies.
- Plusvital Acti-Hoof is a powder supplement rich in biotin, amino acids and minerals specifically formulated to nourish hooves from the inside. Specially designed for horses prone to weak and brittle hooves, it offers all the necessary nutrients for optimal hoof health. Its purpose is to promote hoof growth through a combination of biotin, copper and zinc, as well as essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. These are essential for the formation of keratin, the main constituent of hair and hooves. In addition, it contains vitamin B6, a key factor in the transformation and use of amino acids by the body. Likewise, this product offers an additional benefit thanks to its yeast content. These work as probiotics, as they promote digestion and reduce toxin content and, therefore, the risk of laminitis. Key properties: Biotin to help keep hooves healthy and strong. Source of Copper, Zinc and Selenium. Contains essential amino acids – Lysine, Methionine and Threonine that help hoof growth. Active yeast to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
- De alta especificación, champú medicado con agentes anti-bacterianos. Ideal para piel seca, escamosa, con picazón, casposa y sensible.Suaviza,ayuda a quitar las costras y la caspa, lo que facilita la eliminación de la capa de piel muerta.La fórmula de pH neutro cuida la piel; suaviza y calma la piel irritada, dolor, heridas o piel sensible.Proporciona un acondicionado excepcional, cabello notablemente más suave y un pelaje brillante.AplicaciónPara uso rutinario: Aplicar directamente sobre una capa húmeda o diluir 5-10 chorros en un cubo de agua. Trabajar bien con un cepillo, esponja o con la mano para producir una buena espuma, luego enjuague bien. Para el uso en condiciones de la piel. Dejar en contacto con la piel durante aproximadamente 5 minutos para permitir la limpieza anti-bacteriana. Enjuague bien el pelo en las zonas afectadas.500ml tendrá una duración de hasta 10 lavados.Ingredientes claveGluconato de clorhexidina, pantenol, aloe vera, jojoba, romero, árbol de té, orégano y la granada.
- Champú extrafuerte para casos de suciedad extrema, como costras de barro, estiercol, etc... Limpia en profundidad.DescripciónFórmula grueso para una mayor cobertura.Concentrado, fórmula de doble potencia para una limpieza superior; deja un pelo brillante limpio.AplicaciónAplicar sin diluir a una capa húmeda o agregue 5-6 tapones para un cubo de agua. Masajes en la capa con una esponja, cepillo o con la mano, luego enjuague bien para obtener resultados inmediatos.
- Blancura total! - Incluso elimina las manchas amarillas de estiercol en caballos claros, apto para todo tipo de piel.Ideal para los caballos de color gris o claros en las áreas problemáticas tales como el corvejón y rodillas.Fórmula extra fuerte para la aplicación directa.DescripciónFórmula grueso para una mayor cobertura.Concentrado, fórmula de doble potencia para una limpieza superior; deja un pelo brillante limpio.AplicaciónAplicar sin diluir a una capa húmeda o agregue 5-6 tapones para un cubo de agua. Masajes en la capa con una esponja, cepillo o con la mano, luego enjuague bien para obtener resultados inmediatos.