• Champú con acción blanqueadora para limpiar el manto, cola y crin, sin enjuague. Excelente para eliminar las manchas amarillas de la cama.  
  • Respiratory Horslyx favorece la salud del sistema respiratorio, Equilibra las del deficiencias forraje y el pasto, promueve Pautas de alimentación natural y continuada. Respiratory Horslyx contiene: - Mentol, eucalipto y anís para la salud de las vías respiratorias. - El paquete de vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos de alta calidad Horslyx. - Potentes antioxidantes, vitamina E y selenio para mantener un sistema inmunológico sano. - Quelato de cobre y zinc para mejorar la absorción de los minerales. - Biotina, zinc y metionina para unos cascos sanos. - Alto contenido en aceite para una piel y un pelaje sanos. - El mentol, el eucalipto y el anís contribuyen a evitar la mucosidad en las vías respiratorias, lo que contribuye a facilitar la respiración del caballo y reducir la irritación respiratoria y el estrés. La vitamina C, la vitamina E y el selenio son poderosos antioxidantes, que contribuyen a favorecer y mantener la salud del sistema inmunológico, incrementando la capacidad natural del caballo para preservar una función pulmonar sana. El complejo compuesto por vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos de alta calidad de Horslyx también incluye grandes cantidades de quelato de cobre y zinc. Idoneo para caballos y con ponis tos secos, alergias al polvo o tipo alergias fiebre del heno. Ayuda para caballos con obstrucción recurrente de las vías aéreas (RAO, como antes conocida COPD) y otros problemas respiratorios. Favorece el sistema de caballos respiratorio de competición que participan con regularidad en exigentes pruebas y velocidad. Favorece el sistema mantenimiento one respiratorio sano. Desarrollado equilibrar para las deficiencias nutricionales del forraje y el pasto. Contribuye a reducir el aburrimiento el y el estrés. Es resistente a la intemperie, por lo que se puede utilizar en la cuadra o el exterior. El bloque es sabroso y no hace falta mezclarlo ni prepararlo previamente.
  • Combina jaboncillo y grasa para el cuero. Limpia y cuida el cuero delicado. Revitaliza y protege el cuero, adquiriendo un aspecto de nuevo. Proporciona al cuero un bonito brillo natural. Sin aceites minerales, completamente ecológico. Combine soap and grease for the leather. Clean and care for delicate leather. Revitalizes and protects the leather, acquiring a new look. Gives the leather a beautiful natural shine. Without mineral oils, completely ecological.
  • Limpia, nutre y proporciona brillo al cuero. Esta espuma cremosa y nutritiva limpia el cuero, regenera los aceites necesarios. Además lo preserva y protege con antioxidantes. Proporciona un brillo excelente. Sin aceites minerales, completamente ecológico. Cleans, nourishes and adds shine to leather. This creamy and nourishing foam cleanses the leather, regenerates the necessary oils. It also preserves and protects it with antioxidants. Provides excellent shine. Without mineral oils, completely ecological.
  • Con cera de carnauba. Para una limpieza fácil y cuidado del cuero. Emulsión suave, de acabado mate para el cuero más apreciado, de botas de equitación, zapatos, sillas, etc.. Los agentes limpiadores facilitan una limpieza sin esfuerzo, ayudan a quitar la suciedad difícil del cuero y partes metálicas. La cera de carnauba se transforma en una capa mate y sedosa después de su aplicación. También protege todo tipo de cuero contra la suciedad y la humedad. Sin aceites minerales, completamente ecológico. With carnauba wax. For easy cleaning and care of leather. Smooth, matte-finish emulsion for the most prized leather, riding boots, shoes, saddles, etc. Cleaning agents facilitate effortless cleaning, helping to remove stubborn dirt from leather and metal parts. Carnauba wax transforms into a silky, matte layer after application. It also protects all types of leather against dirt and moisture. Without mineral oils, completely ecological.
  • Perfecto para combatir las infecciones del casco por hormiguillo o humedad. Fórmula concentrada que actúa en profundidad. Para su uso específico en casos agudos, se desliza entre los surcos y grietas finas del casco, penetrando en la materia podrida, desplazando la humedad y deteniendo el proceso de descomposición. Seca la ranilla, permitiendo que el tejido sano se regenere y favorece un casco sano.  
  • Limpieza y suavidad para el pelo de tu caballo. Los componentes de este champú actúan de forma cuidadosa y respetuosa con la piel, para conseguir un pelo y una crines brillantes, suaves, fáciles de peinar y agradables al tacto. Gracias a su contenido en biotina (vitamina H), promueve el crecimiento más fuerte y rápido del pelo. El envase de 1000 ml. dispone de un cómodo dosificador que se abre con un movimiento contrario a las agujas del reloj.  
  • Hoof Solution de Kevin Bacon es un producto natural que garantiza una perfecta higiene de los cascos. Se utiliza para las ranillas y las palmas reblandecidas, sensibles, malolientes y/o demasiado delgadas.. Hoof Solution contiene propiedades antibacterianas y fungicidas para un tratamiento rápido y eficaz contra las ranillas y palmas malolientes. Fácil de aplicar con el pincel incluido. Kevin Bacon's Hoof Solution is a natural product that guarantees perfect hygiene of the hooves. It treats and prevents damage to the horn. Hoof Solution contains powerful bacteria and fungicidal properties for a quick and effective treatment against smelly frogs and trush. Easy to apply with the included brush.
  • La flexibilidad, la elasticidad y el buen equilibrio del pie del caballo exigen, entre otros, la utilización de productos de gran calidad. Hoof Dressing entra en esta filosofía. Fabricado artesanalmente desde hace más de 32 años, el Hoof Dressing es un producto 100% natural elaborado a partir de grasas animales y de hojas de laurel frescas, que liberan sus principios después de un proceso de maceración. Nuestro ungüento no sirve únicamente para dar un aspecto bonito al casco. Hoof Dressing penetra y nutre el casco en profundidad. Su utilización regular impide que la muralla se reseque, protege de la humedad y favorece el crecimiento del tejido córneo. Todas estas propiedades hacen de Hoof Dressing un producto formidable, utilizado y recomendado por todos los profesionales de la equitación. Como todas las grasas naturales, Hoof Dressing se endurece en invierno porque no contiene disolventes ni productos derivados del petróleo.* Así, hemos elaborado una fórmula invernal un 25% más rica en aceites, lo que permite que el ungüento se conserve más cremoso incluso a temperaturas muy bajas. *utilizados por otras marcas: - los disolventes permiten que la consistencia de la grasa se mantenga constante pero resecan la muralla. - los derivados del petróleo, como la parafina y el alquitrán, obstruyen los poros del tejido córneo, le impiden respirar y encierran las bacterias anaeróbicas en el pie... lo que provoca su proliferación y la consiguiente podredumbre. The flexibility, elasticity and good balance of the horse's foot require, among other things, the use of high-quality products. Hoof Dressing falls into this philosophy. Handcrafted for more than 32 years, Hoof Dressing is a 100% natural product made from animal fats and fresh bay leaves, which release their principles after a maceration process. Our ointment does not only serve to give a nice look to the helmet. Hoof Dressing penetrates and nourishes the hoof in depth. Its regular use prevents the wall from drying out, protects from humidity and favors the growth of horny tissue. All these properties make Hoof Dressing a formidable product, used and recommended by all riding professionals. Like all natural greases, Hoof Dressing is winter hard because it does not contain solvents or petroleum products. * Thus, we have developed a winter formula that is 25% richer in oils, which allows the ointment to remain creamier even at very low temperatures. * used by other brands: - solvents allow the consistency of the grease to remain constant but dry out the wall. - Petroleum derivatives, such as paraffin and tar, clog the pores of the horny tissue, prevent it from breathing and enclose anaerobic bacteria in the foot ... which causes their proliferation and consequent rot.
  • Active Soap es un jabón de uso dermatológico tanto en personas como en animales (caballos, perros, gatos, etc.). Está fabricado a partir de aceites vegetales de presión en frío 100%. Todos los ingredietes utilizados para la fabricación de Active Soap son de máxima calidad. Su color y su textura se consiguen gracias a la utilización exclusiva de argilas, hierbas, pétalos, hojas, especias, etc. Active Soap combate los problemas de prurito producidos por culicoides (mosquitos picadores), tábanos, moscas domésticas, sarna (ácaros microscópicos), tiña (hongos muy contagiosos), estrongilos (larvas que infestan los intestinos) y vermes blancos de los bovinos (larvas de las moscas grandes). Además, Active Soap protege, fortalece y da brillo al pelaje y las crines, de las que facilita también el peinado. Active Soap asegura una higiene perfecta de la piel y garantiza tersura, suavidad y elasticidad. Ducha al caballo y aplique Active Soap sobre la piel. Deje actuar durante 20 minutos. Aclare. Si el problema es más grave, deje secar el jabón sin aclarado. Active Soap también está indicado para uso humano. Active Soap is a soap for dermatological use on both humans and animals (horses, dogs, cats, etc.). It is made 100% with cold-pressed vegetable oils. All the ingredients used in the production of active soap are of the highest quality. Its color and texture are achieved through the exclusive use of clay, herbs, petals, leaves, spices, etc. Active soap combats itching problems caused by culicoides (biting mosquitoes), thorns, house flies, roe deer (microscopic mites), ringworm (highly contagious fungi), pistils (larvae that inhabit the intestines) and white worms, large flies. In addition, Active Soap protects, strengthens and brightens the coat and mane, which also facilitates detangling. Active Soap ensures perfect skin hygiene and guarantees smoothness, softness and elasticity. Wash your horse in the shower and apply Active Soap to the skin. Let it run for 20 minutes. Explain. If the problem is more serious, let the soap dry without rinsing. The active soap is also indicated for human use.
  • Champú con excepcionales propiedades limpiadoras específicamente estudiado para mantos tordos y blancos. La crin de los caballos tiende a amarillearbtambién después de un champú normal, Blue Snow devuelve al manto el color natural. Elimina definitivamente las manchas de cama y suciedad.
  • Plusvital Acti-Hoof is a powder supplement rich in biotin, amino acids and minerals specifically formulated to nourish hooves from the inside. Specially designed for horses prone to weak and brittle hooves, it offers all the necessary nutrients for optimal hoof health. Its purpose is to promote hoof growth through a combination of biotin, copper and zinc, as well as essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. These are essential for the formation of keratin, the main constituent of hair and hooves. In addition, it contains vitamin B6, a key factor in the transformation and use of amino acids by the body. Likewise, this product offers an additional benefit thanks to its yeast content. These work as probiotics, as they promote digestion and reduce toxin content and, therefore, the risk of laminitis. Key properties: Biotin to help keep hooves healthy and strong. Source of Copper, Zinc and Selenium. Contains essential amino acids – Lysine, Methionine and Threonine that help hoof growth. Active yeast to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients.    
  • Plusvital Sport Syrup is a vitamin supplement specifically formulated and designed to provide a complete blend of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids to the sport horse. This tasty supplement has high levels of vitamin B (B3 and B12), as well as biotin and selenium. In addition, it offers extra nutritional support to help maintain a healthy digestive system thanks to its content of prebiotics in FOS (fructooligosaccharides) format. Vitamins A and D play an important role in supporting bone growth and maintenance, which is essential for horses of all ages, especially growing young horses in training or competition. Likewise, it has antioxidant properties thanks to its content of vitamin C, E and selenium, as they help reduce the levels of free radicals and, therefore, the potential harmful effect that they have on cells. On the other hand, B vitamins have an important variety of roles in the body including food metabolism, energy production, as well as the growth and division of cells. Biotin helps maintain strong and healthy hooves. For their part, amino acids are crucial for the production of protein and muscle. In addition, essential amino acids must be included in the diet since the body is not capable of producing them on its own. In this case, lysine, methionine and threonine have been added at appropriate levels. Key properties: Added vitamins A and D that promote bone development and bone maintenance. Vitamins C and E that have antioxidant power and reduce the levels of free radicals. B vitamins have a wide variety of important roles in the body, including food metabolism, energy production or cell multiplication and development. Selenium is an important mineral that reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. The added amino acids are essential for the development of muscle and other protein stores. Essential amino acids should be included in the diet, such as Lysine, Methionine and Threonine at appropriate levels. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) have been added as prebiotics. They promote the correct maintenance and health of the digestive system by supporting the beneficial microbiota present in the intestine.    
  • Box for horse care and grooming utensils. It is black with pink details. It measures 40x25x25cm.  
  • El aspecto exterior del caballo permite hacerse una idea del estado de la piel e incluso de la salud del mismo, si transpira con exceso o suda con facilidad, sin una cuidada limpieza externa que permita a los poros de la piel una fácil transpiración podría perjudicar la salud general  del animal. El champú GALLOP es a la vez limpiador y antiséptico para la piel, regulando la normal transpiración que evita la obstrucción de los poros .Mantiene la piel  fresca y limpa,  por lo que actua también como repelente de insectos.
  • De alta especificación, champú medicado con agentes anti-bacterianos. Ideal para piel seca, escamosa, con picazón, casposa y sensible.
    Suaviza,ayuda a quitar las costras y la caspa, lo que facilita la eliminación de la capa de piel muerta.
    La fórmula de pH neutro cuida la piel; suaviza y calma la piel irritada, dolor,  heridas o piel sensible.
    Proporciona un acondicionado excepcional, cabello notablemente más suave y un pelaje brillante.
     Para uso rutinario: Aplicar directamente sobre una capa húmeda o diluir 5-10 chorros en un cubo de agua. Trabajar bien con un cepillo, esponja o con la mano para producir una buena espuma, luego enjuague bien. Para el uso en condiciones de la piel. Dejar en contacto con la piel durante aproximadamente 5 minutos para permitir la limpieza anti-bacteriana. Enjuague bien el pelo en las zonas afectadas.
    500ml tendrá una duración de hasta 10 lavados.
    Ingredientes clave
     Gluconato de clorhexidina, pantenol, aloe vera, jojoba, romero, árbol de té, orégano y la granada.
  • Champú extrafuerte para casos de suciedad extrema, como costras de barro, estiercol, etc... Limpia en profundidad.
     Fórmula grueso para una mayor cobertura.
    Concentrado, fórmula de doble potencia para una limpieza superior; deja un pelo brillante limpio.
     Aplicar sin diluir a una capa húmeda o agregue 5-6 tapones para un cubo de agua. Masajes en la capa con una esponja, cepillo o con la mano, luego enjuague bien para obtener resultados inmediatos.
  • Blancura total!  - Incluso elimina las manchas amarillas de estiercol en caballos claros, apto para todo tipo de piel.
    Ideal para los caballos de color gris o claros en  las áreas problemáticas tales como el corvejón y rodillas.
    Fórmula extra fuerte para la aplicación directa.
     Fórmula grueso para una mayor cobertura.
    Concentrado, fórmula de doble potencia para una limpieza superior; deja un pelo brillante limpio.
     Aplicar sin diluir a una capa húmeda o agregue 5-6 tapones para un cubo de agua. Masajes en la capa con una esponja, cepillo o con la mano, luego enjuague bien para obtener resultados inmediatos.
  • Effol Mouth Butter horse mouth cream. Helps the horse accept the bit. Effol mouth cream has an apple flavor, which stimulates chewing, as it is a pleasant flavor for horses. It makes it easier to slide when putting the bit and moving it once in the mouth so that the horse is more comfortable. Provides care and hydration to sensitive areas of the mouth. Contains allantoin, zinc oxide and balsam of Peru. APPLICATION: Apply generously to the embouchure before and after riding. If necessary, it can be applied directly to the bite to avoid blocking the tongue.
  • Pillow made of iron. Iron handrails for better support. It has 8 toothed rails. Measurements: 12 x 10 cm Color: Black.
  • Aluminum comb. 10 cm wooden handle.
  • Dietary supplement Mint flavor mineral stone with vitamins Peppermint oil gives a refreshing flavor more accepted by difficult horses An ideal reward for the horse Contributes to hoof growth Improves hair quality Fills the horse's nutritional deficiencies Ensures nutritional balance Vitamin E and selenium are two powerful antioxidants Allows you to strengthen the immune system Biotin, zinc and methionine maintain the condition of tendons and joints Reduces boredom and stress It can be combined with cereals or other foods high in calories and fiber. No prior preparation required   Dietary supplementbread Mineral stone mint flavor with vitamins Peppermint oil provides a refreshing flavor more accepted by difficult horses An ideal reward for the horse Contributes to hoof growth Improves hair quality Fills the horse's nutritional deficiencies Ensures nutritional balance Vitamin E and selenium are two powerful antioxidants Allows you to strengthen the immune system Biotin, zinc and methionine maintain the condition of tendons and joints Reduces boredom and stress It can be combined with cereals or other foods rich in calories and fiber. No prior preparation required
  • Color intensifying shampoo.
    Apply directly to a wet coat. Work well with a brush or sponge or by hand to produce a rich lather, then rinse well. The results are immediate. It can also be used on manes and tails.
    500ml will last 5 to 10 washes.
    Key ingredients
    Cleaning agents.
    Color enhancers.
    Optical brighteners.
  • Color intensifying shampoo.
    Apply directly to a wet coat. Work well with a brush or sponge or by hand to produce a rich lather, then rinse well. The results are immediate. It can also be used on manes and tails.
    500ml will last 5 to 10 washes.
    Key ingredients
    Cleaning agents.
    Color enhancers.
    Optical brighteners.
  • Color intensifying shampoo.
    Apply directly to a wet coat. Work well with a brush or sponge or by hand to produce a rich lather, then rinse well. The results are immediate. It can also be used on manes and tails.
    500ml will last 5 to 10 washes.
    Key ingredients
    Cleaning agents.
    Color enhancers.
    Optical brighteners.
  • FEATURES AND BENEFITS Specially designed to manage the loss of electrolytes through sweating. It contains sodium, the most important electrolyte since it regulates thirst. Supplemented with potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium to support whole body function. B vitamins: for optimal utilization of protein, energy and to maintain appetite. Vitamin C and E: A powerful pack of antioxidants to aid muscle recovery. IDEAL FOR Performance horses. Horses in intense work. Horses in hot climates. Those suffering from muscle conditions, including stiffness.   APPLICATIONS Replaces electrolytes lost through sweating, balances body fluids and promotes water intake. To replenish electrolyte levels after work, races, hard workouts or childbirth. *Water should always be available once electrolytes are administered to facilitate rehydration*
  • Features and Benefits: Includes slippery elm and seaweed flour as a source of mucilage, a prebiotic that helps strengthen the intestinal microbiota and a live probiotic yeast with buffering action in the large intestine Suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers as long as it is introduced and administered correctly. Promotes the health of the digestive system Supports digestive health from the stomach to the large intestine Maximum brightness from inside MOS Prebiotics Live probiotic yeast Higher magnesium levels Its high magnesium levels and low starch content make Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer suitable for any horse, but it is especially suitable for those prone to digestive disorders. It includes a spicy apple aroma that is tempting to even the most reactive eaters and a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to balance forage and grass deficiencies. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and algae meal (Ascophyllum nodosum) for its mucilage content. Mucilage is a sticky viscous sap that, when ingested, absorbs water and other gastric fluids, forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes which helps soothe and protect the entire digestive tract.. Mucilage may be especially beneficial for horses with inflamed mucous membranes and digestive disorders. Additionally, it contains a prebiotic yeast extract with MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) that help eliminate pathogens from the intestine and beta-glucans that help stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This product includes Actisaf, a live probiotic yeast, which helps create a buffering effect in the large intestine, promoting digestive health and helping to stabilize the pH of the hindgut, which helps reduce the risk of digestive problems. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains more magnesium than other Horslyx Balancer products. A magnesium deficiency can stimulate nervous and excitable behavior. All Horslyx Balancer products are very low in starch, making them suitable for horses that react negatively to traditional grain-based diets.   Features and Benefits: It includes elm flour and seaweed as a source of mucilage, a prebiotic that helps strengthen the intestinal microbiota and a live probiotic yeast with buffering action in the large intestine. Suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers as long as it is introduced and administered correctly. Promotes the health of the digestive system Supports digestive health from the stomach to the large intestine Maximum brightness from the inside MOS Prebiotics Live Probiotic Yeast Levels higher magnesium Its high levels of magnesium and low starch content make Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer for any horse, but it is especially suitable for people prone to digestive disorders. It includes a spicy apple aroma that tempts even the most reluctant eater and a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to balance forage and grass deficiencies. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and algae meal (Ascophyllum nodosum) for their mucilage content. Mucilage is a viscous, sticky sap that, when ingested, absorbs water and other gastric fluids, forming a protective layer over the mucous membranes that helps soothe and protect the entire digestive tract.. Mucilage may be especially beneficial for horses with inflamed mucous membranes and digestive disorders. Additionally, it contains a prebiotic yeast extract with MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) that help eliminate pathogens from the intestine and beta-glucans that help stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This product includes Actisaf, a live probiotic yeast, which helps create a buffering effect in the large intestine, promoting digestive health and helping to stabilize the pH of the hindgut, helping to reduce the risk of digestive problems. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains more magnesium than other Horslyx Balancer products. A magnesium deficiency can stimulate nervous and excitable behavior. All Horslyx Balancer products are very low in starch, making them suitable for horses that react negatively to traditional grain-based diets.
  • We have developed a solution to reduce reliance on a spray and still keep flies away from your horse. Our NEW FLYGARD® extra-strong gel. The perfect companion to our FLYGARD® extra-strong insect repellent spray. Based on the same formula as our favorite fly spray, our new Gel allows you to apply it by hand or with a sponge for greater coverage. The concentrated application of the gel contains 10% DEET for optimal, long-lasting protection for a more precise and alternative application, ideal for "spray-on nervous" faces and horses. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Solicitud Apply directly to the area that requires protection against flies. Simply spray the gel and spread a thin layer on the horse or apply with a cloth.

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