• Animalintex es la única cataplasma y vendaje para heridas absorbente original y con licencia disponible. Animalintex está clasificado como Medicamento Veterinario y, por lo tanto, está autorizado por la Dirección de Medicamentos Veterinarios (VMD). Puede usarse como cataplasma caliente, cataplasma fría o vendaje seco y es adecuado para el tratamiento de heridas infectadas, heridas abiertas, pinchazos en los pies, callos, plantas magulladas, aftas, dedos con semillas, abscesos, laminitis, grietas de arena y espinas. Adecuado para caballos y perros, el vendaje contiene ácido bórico BP, un ingrediente activo que promueve la cicatrización efectiva, además de tragacanto, un agente cataplasma natural que elimina la infección de la herida. Animalintex se fabrica en las instalaciones de fabricación de Robinson Healthcare en el Reino Unido. Producto médico veterinario seguro y autorizado Instalaciones de fabricación auditadas por VMD para una calidad y eficacia constantes Se puede utilizar como cataplasma fría o caliente o como apósito seco. Probado y comprobado durante décadas de uso   Animalintex is the original and only licensed absorbent multi-layered poultice and wound dressing available. Animalintex is classified as a Veterinary Medicinal Product and is therefore licensed by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). It can be used as a hot poultice, cold poultice or dry dressing and is suitable for the treatment of infected wounds, open wounds, foot punctures, corns, bruised soles, thrush, seedy toe, abscesses, laminitis, sandcracks and thorns. Suitable for horses and dogs, the dressing contains Boric Acid BP, an active ingredient which promotes effective healing, plus tragacanth, a natural poulticing agent that draws infection out of the wound. Animalintex is made in Robinson Healthcare’s UK manufacturing facility.
    • Safe, Licensed Veterinary Medicinal Product
    • VMD audited manufacturing facility for consistent quality and effectiveness
    • Can be used as a hot or cold poultice or as a dry dressing
    • Tried and tested through decades of use
  • Crema natural de alta calidad, nutre e impermeabiliza tu piel. Perfume de caramelo. Hecho en Francia, Consejos para el cuidado del cuero: - Frecuencia: se recomienda que limpies tus zapatos y polainas frecuentemente - Agua fresca: use una esponja humidificada con agua dulce para limpiar (nunca use jabón de glicerina, el agua fresca es lo único que necesita para eliminar la suciedad y el polvo) - Crema de cuero: aplique una crema de cuero para nutrir y proteger el cuero de la humedad - Pulido: al usar un trapo viejo, una toalla o un cepillo para pulir, puedes darles un toque de brillo extra - Si es posible, trate de no usar su calzado 2 días seguidos, ¡cambie su calzado de un día para otro para mantenerlos más tiempo! High quality natural cream, nourishes and waterproofs your skin. Caramel perfume. Made in France, Leather care tips: - Frequency: it is recommended that you clean your shoes and leggings frequently - Fresh water: use a fresh water humidified sponge to clean (never use glycerin soap, fresh water is all you need to remove dirt and dust) - Leather cream: apply a leather cream to nourish and protect the leather from moisture - Polishing: by using an old cloth, a towel or a polishing brush, you can give them a touch of extra shine - If possible, try not to wear your shoes 2 days in a row, change your shoes from one day to the next to keep them longer!
  • Composición: harinillas de trigo, salvado de trigo, trozos de zanahoria, cebada, cáscaras de avena, alimento de harina de semillas de girasol, trigo, alfalfa, fleo de los prados, gramíneas y hierbas, carbonato cálcico, cloruro de sodio, pienso de gluten de maíz. Componentes analíticos: 13.5% proteína bruta, 3% grasas brutas, 7.5% cenizas brutas, 12% fibra bruta, 1.1% calcio, 0.55% fósforo .5%, 0.4% sodio, 0.32% Magnesio, 29% almidón, 4% azúcares Aditivos: 15000 UI Vitamina A, 1500 UI Vitamina D3, 50 mg Vitamina E, 100 µg biotina, 40 mg hierro, 0.20 mg yodo, 40 mg cobre, 100 mg manganeseo 0.30 mg selenio. Composición: harinillas de trigo, salvado de trigo, trozos de zanahoria, cebada, cáscaras de avena, alimento de harina de semillas de girasol, trigo, alfalfa, fleo de los prados, gramíneas y hierbas, carbonato cálcico, cloruro de sodio, pienso de gluten de maíz. Componentes analíticos: 13,5 % proteína bruta, 3 % grasas brutas, 7,5 % cenizas brutas, 12 % fibra bruta, 1,1 % calcio, 0,55 % fósforo, 5 %, 0,4 % sodio, 0,32 % magnesio, 29 % almidón, 4 % azúcares Aditivos: 15000 UI Vitamina A, 1500 UI Vitamina D3, 50 mg Vitamina E, 100 µg biotina, 40 mg hierro, 0,20 mg yodo, 40 mg cobre, 100 mg manganeso 0,30 mg selenio.
  • Rich, nourishing balm with real beeswax, honey and protective witch hazel extract. Nourishes, protects and keeps the skin elastic. The honey flavor can stimulate chewing activity. Particularly suitable for supportive care of the corners of the lips and rough skin areas. Purely natural, no artificial scent.  
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • New cord with original SWAROVSKI crystals! With the new MY STYLE lacing system, you can easily change the color of the trim on your HELMET. You can learn about the system in the video presentation that appears on our website http://www.hispanohipica.net/inicio/videos.php Size O: helmet size XS-S Size 1: helmet size S-M Size 2: helmet size L-XL
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
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