• Protects against external contamination Absorbs secretions
    ALUFILM Spray Dressing is a skin spray that forms a physical barrier against external contamination. Micronized aluminum powder forms a protective screen as it dries.
  • Crema para rozaduras con colágeno y extracto de hamamelis Crema coadyuvante en el tratamiento de reestructuración cutánea, eficaz en el tratamiento de las rozaduras de la cruz y la irritación de las cuartillas. Modo de uso: Extender sobre la zona a tratar. Repetir la operación dos veces al día.
  • Crema antibacteriana que ayuda al proceso de cicatrización natural. Su avanzada fórmula científicamente probada permite a la piel respirar libremente y curar de forma adecuada en condiciones húmedas, contribuyendo a reducir el tiempo de curación de cortes menores, arañazos y abrasiones. Fácil de usar, el tubo exprimidor está sellado y proporciona una aplicación higiénica que evita la contaminación cruzada. Ideal para heridas leves y también para afecciones cutáneas como fiebre de barro. Aplicación: Asegúrese de que el área esté limpia y seca. Para cortes menores: aplicar generosamente asegurándose de que toda la piel afectada esté cubierta. Vuelva a aplicar una o dos veces al día. Para caballos que se sabe que sufren de enfermedades de la piel durante el invierno: aplicar diariamente en áreas vulnerables o dañadas. Ingredientes principales:MSM, aceite de árbol de té y óxido de zinc. Antibacterial cream that helps the natural healing process. Its advanced scientifically proven formula allows the skin to breathe freely and heal properly in humid conditions, helping to reduce the healing time of minor cuts, scratches and abrasions. Easy to use, the squeeze tube is sealed and provides a hygienic application that prevents cross contamination. Ideal for minor injuries and also for skin conditions such as mud fever. Application: Make sure the area is clean and dry. For minor cuts: apply generously making sure all affected skin is covered. Reapply once or twice a day. For horses known to suffer from winter skin conditions: apply daily to vulnerable or damaged areas. Main Ingredients:MSM, Tea Tree Oil, and Zinc Oxide.
  • This disinfectant spray is guaranteed to destroy harmful microorganisms that are capable of causing infections in humans and animals. It comes as a clear solution, disinfects thoroughly and takes effect shortly after contact. The disinfectant spray is an indispensable aid when it comes to safe disinfection in the stable or anywhere else. Limited Virucide. Disinfection Spray is guaranteed to destroy harmful micro-organisms which are capable of causing infections in humans and animals. Comes as a clear solution, disinfects thoroughly and takes effect soon after contact. Disinfection Spray is an indispensable aid when it comes to safe disinfection in the stable or elsewhere. Limited virucide.
  • Soothing cream for small wounds and irritations that provides antifungal and antibacterial protection for horses, dogs and cats. Phytobalm can be used on all animals. Our customers have dubbed it the "magic" cream for its effectiveness. Phytobalm contains shea butter and extracts and oils of calendula and St. John's wort. This product is perfect for all small wounds, cuts and abrasions. How to apply it? Apply twice a day. External care product for animals. This product is not a medicine. Information on plants and active ingredients is provided for informational purposes only..
  • Bye Bye Itch Lotion is formulated to maintain and support: hair regrowth soothe sore or irritated skin Bye Bye Itch Lotion is designed to be used during 'itch' season. Use in conjunction with our Bye Bye Itch supplement for optimal results. This range was extensively tested in the UK. Some horses or ponies are prone to repeated and prolonged itching, rubbing and scratching, which can lead to damage to the mane, tail or sensitive areas of the body.
  • 100% natural Parisol soap, cleans and cares for irritated skin. Featuring a gorgeous skincare formula with olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, chamomile and healing earth. Application: Apply to injured areas (previously wet), let sit for 3-4 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Depending on severity, apply 1-2 times a day. Contains: Olea europaea oil, Cocos nucifera oil, Carthamus tinctorius oil, Helianthus annus oil, sodium hydroxide, water, Loess, Simmondsia chinesis oil, chamomilla recutita, essential oil, limonene Packaging: Jute bag with stick 100 g soap   100% natural Parisol soap, cleanses and cares for irritated skin. Featuring a precious skin care formula with olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, chamomile and healing earth. App: Apply to injured (previously wet) areas, let sit for 3-4 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Depending on severity, apply 1-2 times a day. Contains: Olea Europaea Oil, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Carthamus Tinctorius Oil, Helianthus Annus Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Water, Loess, Simmondsia Chinesis Oil, Chamomilla Recutita, Essential Oil, Limonene Packaging: Jute bag with 100 g soap bar
  • Rich, nourishing balm with real beeswax, honey and protective witch hazel extract. Nourishes, protects and keeps the skin elastic. The honey flavor can stimulate chewing activity. Particularly suitable for supportive care of the corners of the lips and rough skin areas. Purely natural, no artificial scent.  
  • Pomada antibacteriana de color rosado. Aroma de citronela para ahuyentar moscas y mosquitos. Es perfecta para impermeabilizar heridas haciendo tambien una barrera contra arestines y dermatitis. producto esencial para zonas húmedas.  
  • Una pomada protectora natural de primeros auxilios para cortes menores, rozaduras, llagas e irritaciones de la piel. A natural protective first aid ointment for minor cuts, scrapes, sores and skin irritations.
  • Effol Mouth Butter horse mouth cream. Helps the horse accept the bit. Effol mouth cream has an apple flavor, which stimulates chewing, as it is a pleasant flavor for horses. It makes it easier to slide when putting the bit and moving it once in the mouth so that the horse is more comfortable. Provides care and hydration to sensitive areas of the mouth. Contains allantoin, zinc oxide and balsam of Peru. APPLICATION: Apply generously to the embouchure before and after riding. If necessary, it can be applied directly to the bite to avoid blocking the tongue.
  • Silver Salve contains pure silver which, through the enlarged surface area, leads to a continuous release of silver ions. This allows the antiseptic effect of silver to develop. Infections disappear, allowing the skin to calm and regenerate. High-quality plant oils provide hydration to dry and cracked skin, making it soft. It can be used as pastern support against moisture and bacteria.
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