• Regeneration and well-being naturally. Natural herbal extracts have a beneficial, cooling and relaxing effect on muscles, tendons and joints. Particularly suitable for use after training on stressed areas such as the legs and saddle area.
  • Refreshing gel with cold effect with new WATERDROP technology - Preserves the refreshing effect achieved by showering the horse's extremities. It can be applied to damp hands and feet and will stay in place as a cooling protector. - The strong and long-lasting cooling effect penetrates deeply, stimulates rapid recovery and relaxes fatigued ligaments, tendons and muscles. - Contains witch hazel, incense resin, arnica and rosemary. It has an astringent, invigorating and relaxing effect.
  • Gel tonificante y refrescante con caléndula y algas Gel específicamente diseñado para las extremidades de caballos deportivos, recomendado después de cualquier trabajo intenso y en todos los casos de fatiga muscular y tendinosa.
    • CALÉNDULA: las propiedades anticongestivas y antiinflamatorias de la caléndula se conocen desde hace siglos
    Modo de uso: Aplicar Ice-Gel sobre la zona tendinosa y muscular, masajeando hasta su total absorción. Repetir la operación varias veces al día.
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