• Features and Benefits: Includes slippery elm and seaweed flour as a source of mucilage, a prebiotic that helps strengthen the intestinal microbiota and a live probiotic yeast with buffering action in the large intestine Suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers as long as it is introduced and administered correctly. Promotes the health of the digestive system Supports digestive health from the stomach to the large intestine Maximum brightness from inside MOS Prebiotics Live probiotic yeast Higher magnesium levels Its high magnesium levels and low starch content make Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer suitable for any horse, but it is especially suitable for those prone to digestive disorders. It includes a spicy apple aroma that is tempting to even the most reactive eaters and a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to balance forage and grass deficiencies. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and algae meal (Ascophyllum nodosum) for its mucilage content. Mucilage is a sticky viscous sap that, when ingested, absorbs water and other gastric fluids, forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes which helps soothe and protect the entire digestive tract.. Mucilage may be especially beneficial for horses with inflamed mucous membranes and digestive disorders. Additionally, it contains a prebiotic yeast extract with MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) that help eliminate pathogens from the intestine and beta-glucans that help stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This product includes Actisaf, a live probiotic yeast, which helps create a buffering effect in the large intestine, promoting digestive health and helping to stabilize the pH of the hindgut, which helps reduce the risk of digestive problems. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains more magnesium than other Horslyx Balancer products. A magnesium deficiency can stimulate nervous and excitable behavior. All Horslyx Balancer products are very low in starch, making them suitable for horses that react negatively to traditional grain-based diets.   Features and Benefits: It includes elm flour and seaweed as a source of mucilage, a prebiotic that helps strengthen the intestinal microbiota and a live probiotic yeast with buffering action in the large intestine. Suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers as long as it is introduced and administered correctly. Promotes the health of the digestive system Supports digestive health from the stomach to the large intestine Maximum brightness from the inside MOS Prebiotics Live Probiotic Yeast Levels higher magnesium Its high levels of magnesium and low starch content make Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer for any horse, but it is especially suitable for people prone to digestive disorders. It includes a spicy apple aroma that tempts even the most reluctant eater and a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to balance forage and grass deficiencies. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and algae meal (Ascophyllum nodosum) for their mucilage content. Mucilage is a viscous, sticky sap that, when ingested, absorbs water and other gastric fluids, forming a protective layer over the mucous membranes that helps soothe and protect the entire digestive tract.. Mucilage may be especially beneficial for horses with inflamed mucous membranes and digestive disorders. Additionally, it contains a prebiotic yeast extract with MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) that help eliminate pathogens from the intestine and beta-glucans that help stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This product includes Actisaf, a live probiotic yeast, which helps create a buffering effect in the large intestine, promoting digestive health and helping to stabilize the pH of the hindgut, helping to reduce the risk of digestive problems. Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains more magnesium than other Horslyx Balancer products. A magnesium deficiency can stimulate nervous and excitable behavior. All Horslyx Balancer products are very low in starch, making them suitable for horses that react negatively to traditional grain-based diets.
  • Dietary supplement Mint flavor mineral stone with vitamins Peppermint oil gives a refreshing flavor more accepted by difficult horses An ideal reward for the horse Contributes to hoof growth Improves hair quality Fills the horse's nutritional deficiencies Ensures nutritional balance Vitamin E and selenium are two powerful antioxidants Allows you to strengthen the immune system Biotin, zinc and methionine maintain the condition of tendons and joints Reduces boredom and stress It can be combined with cereals or other foods high in calories and fiber. No prior preparation required   Dietary supplementbread Mineral stone mint flavor with vitamins Peppermint oil provides a refreshing flavor more accepted by difficult horses An ideal reward for the horse Contributes to hoof growth Improves hair quality Fills the horse's nutritional deficiencies Ensures nutritional balance Vitamin E and selenium are two powerful antioxidants Allows you to strengthen the immune system Biotin, zinc and methionine maintain the condition of tendons and joints Reduces boredom and stress It can be combined with cereals or other foods rich in calories and fiber. No prior preparation required
  • Cavalor Kick Up is a supplement in liquid format that helps recover the vitality of horses with low energy or decreased performance. Helps maintain performance in multi-day competitions or events. Specially designed to enhance the horse's diet with a quick and easily digestible combination of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and aromatic plant extracts. These premium nutrients act synergistically, stimulating the physiological functions of the horse's body. The results are seen quickly. From the first day, you will see the improvement in vitality and performance. Group B vitamins (B1, B2, B12) and choline play a crucial role in the energy conversion process, thus providing extra energy to the horse. Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect that protects cells from oxidative damage that occurs during work, especially at high intensity. Sorbitol and active yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) promote digestion and ensure optimal use of nutrients. Essential amino acids, such as lysine, promote tissue regeneration and stimulate the immune system. Extracts from plants such as Thymus vulgaris and Panax ginseng offer support to the immune system and provide energy. It is recommended to supplement with Cavalor Kick up the night before the competition, and also the morning of the competition, if we observe that the horse is out of shape. Cavalor Kick up can also be administered every 2 days in periods of nutritional recovery or convalescence. Or it can be administered daily during periods of greater energy need (strong competition seasons).    
  • Complementary feed for horses in treat format. Ideal for rewarding your horse and reducing boredom in the box. He will spend hours entertaining himself, trying to catch and eat the ball. Not only does it taste good, but it also contains essential vitamins and minerals for your horse's daily needs.    
  • Respiratory Horslyx favorece la salud del sistema respiratorio, Equilibra las del deficiencias forraje y el pasto, promueve Pautas de alimentación natural y continuada. Respiratory Horslyx contiene: - Mentol, eucalipto y anís para la salud de las vías respiratorias. - El paquete de vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos de alta calidad Horslyx. - Potentes antioxidantes, vitamina E y selenio para mantener un sistema inmunológico sano. - Quelato de cobre y zinc para mejorar la absorción de los minerales. - Biotina, zinc y metionina para unos cascos sanos. - Alto contenido en aceite para una piel y un pelaje sanos. - El mentol, el eucalipto y el anís contribuyen a evitar la mucosidad en las vías respiratorias, lo que contribuye a facilitar la respiración del caballo y reducir la irritación respiratoria y el estrés. La vitamina C, la vitamina E y el selenio son poderosos antioxidantes, que contribuyen a favorecer y mantener la salud del sistema inmunológico, incrementando la capacidad natural del caballo para preservar una función pulmonar sana. El complejo compuesto por vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos de alta calidad de Horslyx también incluye grandes cantidades de quelato de cobre y zinc. Idoneo para caballos y con ponis tos secos, alergias al polvo o tipo alergias fiebre del heno. Ayuda para caballos con obstrucción recurrente de las vías aéreas (RAO, como antes conocida COPD) y otros problemas respiratorios. Favorece el sistema de caballos respiratorio de competición que participan con regularidad en exigentes pruebas y velocidad. Favorece el sistema mantenimiento one respiratorio sano. Desarrollado equilibrar para las deficiencias nutricionales del forraje y el pasto. Contribuye a reducir el aburrimiento el y el estrés. Es resistente a la intemperie, por lo que se puede utilizar en la cuadra o el exterior. El bloque es sabroso y no hace falta mezclarlo ni prepararlo previamente.
  • TEMPERAMEND GOLD está formulado para: - Mantener un sistema nervioso tranquilo y equilibrado - Ayudar a los caballos jóvenes a estar más atentos durante el trabajo - Calmar caballos estresados, descansar en el box o trabajar poco - Ayudar a los caballos ansiosos a acostumbrarse a un nuevo entorno Temperamend Gold es un complemento alimenticio líquido a base de manzanilla y valeriana para caballos de todas las edades. Si tu caballo se pone más tenso o más nervioso, intenta determinar la causa: falta de ejercicio, calentamiento del pienso... Para apoyar a los caballos y ponis durante los cambios en su entorno, recomendamos comenzar con Temperament Gold 2 semanas antes de los primeros cambios y alimentar Temperament Gold durante aproximadamente 2 meses. Para animales estresados ​​o ansiosos, recomendamos dar el suplemento Temperamend Gold durante 1 mes, renovable o incluso de forma continua. Cada caso es único. Los consejos de nuestro equipo pueden variar dependiendo de cada animal y su historia. No dudes en contactar con nosotros si necesitas un asesoramiento personalizado. ¿Cómo dárselo a tu caballo? - Añadir a la ración diaria, en lo posible dar dos veces. - La solución también puede administrarse con una jeringa directamente en la boca. - Los beneficios de las plantas pueden tardar hasta un mes en aparecer. - Después de un cierto período de uso, a veces es posible disminuir la cantidad dada. - Todos los animales son diferentes, por lo que a menudo menos de la cantidad recomendada puede ser suficiente para el uso a largo plazo. - Complemento alimenticio para animales. Este producto no es un medicamento. La información sobre las plantas y los ingredientes activos se proporciona únicamente a título informativo.
  • Nuestros nuevos y deliciosos Rainbow Likit Snaks son bocadillos sabrosos, crujientes, en forma de corazón y estrella en cuatro deliciosos sabores naturales (manzana, menta, fresa y plátano) que caben fácilmente dentro del Likit Snak-a-Ball para aliviar el aburrimiento, o se pueden alimentar de la mano como recompensa o ayuda de entrenamiento.
    • Contiene colores y sabores naturales.
    • Formulación sin calentamiento
    • Adecuado para todos los caballos y ponis, incluidos los propensos a la laminitis.
    • Ideal para entrenar o para usar con el Snak-a-Ball
      Our delicious new Rainbow Likit Snaks are tasty, crunchy, heart and star shaped snacks in four delicious natural flavors (apple, mint, strawberry and banana) that fit easily inside the Likit Snak-a-Ball to relieve boredom, or They can be hand-fed as a reward or training aid. Contains natural colors and flavors. Formulation without heating Suitable for all horses and ponies, including those prone to laminitis. Ideal for training or to use with the Snak-a-Ball  
  • ¡Nuestro juguete más desafiante hasta ahora! El nuevo y emocionante Boredom Buster de Likit seguramente proporcionará horas de estimulación mental para su caballo.
    • Ideal para caballos motivados por la comida o usuarios experimentados de Likit
    • Movimiento multidireccional
    • Múltiples opciones de desafío para agregar diferentes sabores/tamaños de recarga
    Usar con (se vende por separado): 1 o 2 x Little Likits (250 g)    
  • La forma más fácil de empezar a usar Likits. Este ingenioso juguete está diseñado para colgarse libremente en el establo de la cuerda provista y usarse junto con un Likit Refill (650 g), que se vende por separado. A medida que su caballo juega con el juguete, el Likit Holder se moverá, lo que hará que trabajen más duro para obtener su recompensa.
    • Ideal para nuevos usuarios.
    • Fácil de montar y usar.
    • Portátil
    Usar con  (se vende por separado): 1 x Likit (650 g)    
  • Cazo medidor de 22.5 cm. de diametro y 9.5 cm. de profundidad. Asa de 14 cm.    
  • Se considera que la SAL NEGRA DEL HIMALAYA tiene propiedades que: • Apoyar una digestión equilibrada • Ayudar a mantener una vista saludable • Apoyar una piel sana • Fuente natural de cloruro de sodio, hierro, cobre y magnesio La sal negra (Kala namak o Sanchal) es un producto ayurvédico natural que va desde el ámbar hasta un color púrpura oscuro, marrón-negro, de ahí el nombre. La sal negra se produce combinando la ya familiar sal de roca rosa del Himalaya con hierbas y especias. La popular sal de roca se calienta a más de 1400 grados Farenheit y luego se mezcla con la semilla del árbol Black Myrobalan (harad) que le da un sabor sulfuroso a la sal y oscurece su color.     HIMALAYAN BLACK SALT is considered to have properties that: • Support balanced digestion • Help maintain healthy eyesight • Support healthy skin • Natural source of sodium chloride, iron, copper and magnesium Black salt (Kala namak or Sanchal) is a natural Ayurvedic product that ranges from amber to a deep purple, brownish-black color, hence the name. Black salt is produced by combining the now familiar Himalayan pink rock salt with herbs and spices. The popular rock salt is heated to over 1400 degrees Fahrenheit and then mixed with the seed of the Black Myrobalan (harad) tree which gives the salt a sulfurous flavor and darkens its color.

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