FREEWAY is formulated to: – maintain the healthy respiratory system – promote resistance to irritations and infections throughout the year – support the breathing of horses in limited outings: during winter, allergy problems… – recommended supplement to support respiratory tract in case of cough Freeway is a dried eyebright and thyme supplement to maintain a healthy respiratory system. Its liquid equivalent, Freeway Gold, is often used first because it is absorbed more quickly (the two do not need to be given together). More and more horses suffer from seasonal allergies and reactions to dust and the Freeway range is ideal for this. Ingredients: Elecampane, licorice, eyebright, cleavers, marshmallow, plantain, thyme How to use it? In case of seasonal problems, we recommend giving Freeway for the entire period in question. To support horses and ponies with chronic respiratory problems and for their comfort, we recommend the continued use of Freeway. Each case is unique. Our team’s advice may vary depending on each animal and its history. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need personalized advice. – Add to the daily ration. – If possible give twice. – Each cube or bag contains a measure of 50 ml. – Instructions are on the packaging. – It may take a month for all the benefits of the plants to appear. – After a certain period of use, it is sometimes possible to decrease the given amount. – All animals are different, often less than the recommended amount may be enough for long-term use. Food supplement for animals. This product is not a medicine. Information about plants and active ingredients is provided for informational purposes only.