• Kentucky Karron Oil is a digestive aid in horses, helping maintain good digestion and guard against digestive upset. The product comes with a specially developed lid or pump allowing easy and accurate administration. High quality, emulsified flaxseed oil providing essential omega 3 and 6 for optimum digestive health, overall wellbeing and improved coat A natural digestive aid for all horses An excellent feed conditioner for skin and coat sheen CONTAINS: Flaxseed oil – containing naturally occurring Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The omegas are well known to improve skin and coat health leading to a lustrous shine. They are particularly supportive of the immune system as both are antioxidants, which guard against tissue damage SUITABLE FOR: All horses, especially showing horses, horses in sales preparation and horses in training. Kentucky Karron Oil es una ayuda digestiva en los caballos, ayuda a mantener una buena digestión y protege contra el malestar digestivo. El producto viene con una tapa o bomba especialmente desarrollada que permite una administración fácil y precisa. Aceite de linaza emulsionado de alta calidad que proporciona omega 3 y 6 esenciales para una salud digestiva óptima, un bienestar general y un pelaje mejorado. Una ayuda digestiva natural para todos los caballos. Un excelente acondicionador de alimentos para el brillo de la piel y el pelaje. CONTIENE: Aceite de linaza: contiene ácidos grasos Omega 3 y 6 naturales. Los omegas son bien conocidos por mejorar la salud de la piel y el pelaje, lo que da lugar a un brillo resplandeciente. Son particularmente favorables al sistema inmunológico, ya que ambos son antioxidantes, que protegen contra el daño tisular. ADECUADO PARA: Todos los caballos, especialmente caballos de exhibición, caballos en preparación para la venta y caballos en entrenamiento.
  • Secure your essentials in style. KL tote with sturdy zipper and strap. Barn or street, your belongings are safe.
  • Una suave fórmula magistral de Leovet preparada a partir de una mezcla de ingredientes totalmente naturales como la equinácea, anís, hinojo, ribwort, castaña, onagra y tomillo. La forma líquida concentrada es absorbida más rápidamente por el organismo. Compensando eficazmente las deficiencias de nutrientes o el estrés ambiental que pueden interferir con las vías respiratorias y debilitar así el sistema inmunológico. Ideal para mejorar el sistema respiratorio del caballo actuando tanto preventivamente como directamente en caballos ya afectados.  
  • Nav Quickly absorbed, it contains herbs such as hawthorn and prickly ash bark and has been proven effective in maintaining a healthy and efficient circulatory system.
  • MULTI-FLEX has been formulated to: - Maintain joint and muscle flexibility - Support blood circulation - Support animals prone to laminitis - Help mobility at any age Multi-Flex is a liquid food supplement based on harpagophytum and nettle. To accompany food supplements locally, you can apply Ezee Arnica, Leg Aid or Muscle Magic. In case of minor wounds, apply Phytobalm cream. To support horses and ponies with chronic locomotion problems (joints, tendons, ligaments, age-related or not) and for their comfort, we recommend the continued use of Multiflex. In case of injury, we recommend using Multiflex throughout the recovery period and return to work, at least 2 months. Each case is unique. Our team's advice may vary depending on each animal and its history. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need personalized advice. How to manage? - Add to the daily ration. - If possible give twice. - Each cube or bag contains a measure of 50 ml. - Instructions are on the packaging. - It may take a month for all the benefits of the plants to appear. - After a certain period of use, it is sometimes possible to decrease the given amount. - All animals are different, often less than the recommended amount may be sufficient for long-term use. - Food supplement for animals. This product is not a medicine. Information about plants and active ingredients is provided for informational purposes only.
  • Finísima arcilla con poder astringente, anti-edema y refrescante. La presencia de sales especiales y de un anestésico natural, le confieren a este barro la capacidad de reducir la hinchazón y de inducir alivio a la parte tratada (tendones, dorso, articulaciones). Es un producto aconsejado como coadyuvante en la terapia de tendinitis y bursitis. Aplicado sobre la suela del pie dolorido, calma el dolor y restituye elasticidad. Se puede utilizar también en presencia de heridas cutáneas. Su utilización después del concurso y del trabajo, mejora los resultados.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
  • Easy Mare Gold for horses, ponies and donkeys is formulated to maintain and support: - a balanced hormonal system - a calm and steady outlook - young mares who find their seasons uncomfortable - irregular or unwanted gelding behavior Easy Mare Gold is a liquid supplement which contains herbs such as vitex agnus castus and valerian that can help maintain a mare's normal 21-day cycle. It can be useful for those who are very young or in poor condition, who may show excessive physical and behavioral signs when in heat. Early spring can be a difficult time of year and changes to the yard, such as the introduction of young stock or new geldings, can also create behavioral changes, although this can be managed throughout the year if necessary. Ingredients 1:3 Tinctures of: Vitex agnus castus seed (also known as Monks Pepper seed Chasteberry seed), valerian root, milk thistle seed, chamomile flowers, cramp bark, verbena herb, yarrow herb, vinegar apple cider How to use it - Add to the feed daily, dividing the necessary amount between two doses as much as possible. - It can be injected directly into the mouth, for example, if it is not fed during the summer. - Complete instructions are on the packaging. - Wait up to a month for full benefits to be seen. - Over time, you may find that the amount fed may be reduced. - Animals are individuals, often a minor amount of maintenance will be sufficient for long-term use.
  • TEMPERAMEND GOLD is formulated to: - Maintain a calm and balanced nervous system - Help young horses to be more attentive during work - Calm stressed horses, rest in the stall or do little work - Help anxious horses get used to a new environment Temperamend Gold is a liquid food supplement based on chamomile and valerian for horses of all ages. If your horse becomes more tense or nervous, try to determine the cause: lack of exercise, warming up the feed... To support horses and ponies during changes in their environment, we recommend starting Temperament Gold 2 weeks before first changes and feed Temperament Gold for approximately 2 months. For stressed or anxious animals, we recommend giving Temperamend Gold supplement for 1 month, renewable or even continuously. Each case is unique. Our team's advice may vary depending on each animal and its history. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need personalized advice. How to give it to your horse? - Add to the daily ration, if possible give twice. - The solution can also be administered with a syringe directly into the mouth. - The benefits of plants can take up to a month to appear. - After a certain period of use, it is sometimes possible to decrease the given amount. - All animals are different, so often less than the recommended amount may be sufficient for long-term use. - Food supplement for animals. This product is not a medicine. Information about plants and active ingredients is provided for informational purposes only.
  • TEMPERAMEND está formulado para: - Mantener un sistema nervioso tranquilo y equilibrado - Ayudar a los caballos jóvenes a estar más atentos durante el trabajo - Calmar caballos estresados, descansar en el box o trabajar poco - Ayudar a los caballos ansiosos a acostumbrarse a un nuevo entorno Temperamend es un suplemento seco a base de manzanilla y valeriana para caballos de todas las edades. Su equivalente líquido Temperamend Gold a menudo se usa primero ya que se absorbe más rápido (no es necesario administrar los dos juntos). Si tu caballo se pone más tenso o más nervioso, intenta determinar la causa: falta de ejercicio, calentamiento del pienso... Para apoyar a los caballos y ponis durante los cambios en su entorno, recomendamos comenzar Temperamend 2-3 semanas antes de los primeros cambios y administrar Temperamend durante aproximadamente 2 meses. Para animales estresados o ansiosos, recomendamos dar el suplemento Temperamend durante 2 meses renovables o incluso de forma continua. Cada caso es único. Los consejos de nuestro equipo pueden variar dependiendo de cada animal y su historia. No dudes en contactar con nosotros si necesitas un asesoramiento personalizado. ¿Cómo se administra? - Añadir a la ración diaria. - Si es posible dar dos veces. - Cada cubo o bolsa contiene una medida de 50 ml. - Las instrucciones están en el empaque. - Puede tomar un mes para que aparezcan todos los beneficios de las plantas. - Después de un cierto período de uso, a veces es posible disminuir la cantidad dada. - Todos los animales son diferentes, a menudo menos de la cantidad recomendada puede ser suficiente para el uso a largo plazo. - Complemento alimenticio para animales. Este producto no es un medicamento. La información sobre las plantas y los ingredientes activos se proporciona únicamente a título informativo.
  • Metal branded nameplate * Beautiful quilting pattern * Zipper to close the bag * Satin ribbon handle * Easy to care for and stain resistant material  
  • FREEWAY is formulated to: - maintain the healthy respiratory system - promote resistance to irritations and infections throughout the year - support the breathing of horses in limited outings: during winter, allergy problems... - recommended supplement to support respiratory tract in case of cough Freeway is a dried eyebright and thyme supplement to maintain a healthy respiratory system. Its liquid equivalent, Freeway Gold, is often used first because it is absorbed more quickly (the two do not need to be given together). More and more horses suffer from seasonal allergies and reactions to dust and the Freeway range is ideal for this. Ingredients: Elecampane, licorice, eyebright, cleavers, marshmallow, plantain, thyme How to use it? In case of seasonal problems, we recommend giving Freeway for the entire period in question. To support horses and ponies with chronic respiratory problems and for their comfort, we recommend the continued use of Freeway. Each case is unique. Our team's advice may vary depending on each animal and its history. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need personalized advice. - Add to the daily ration. - If possible give twice. - Each cube or bag contains a measure of 50 ml. - Instructions are on the packaging. - It may take a month for all the benefits of the plants to appear. - After a certain period of use, it is sometimes possible to decrease the given amount. - All animals are different, often less than the recommended amount may be enough for long-term use. Food supplement for animals. This product is not a medicine. Information about plants and active ingredients is provided for informational purposes only.
  • Tijera para cortar crines con forma de oreja de mulo de 20 cm. Scissors to cut horsehair in the shape of a mule's ear of 20 cm.
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